Rolling Realms

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  • Rating


  • # Players

    1 - 6

  • Playtime

    20 Minutes

  • Age


  • Year Published


Game Description

In the middle of the coronavirus, a time of self-isolation for many people, Jamey decided to create an infinitely scaling roll-and-write game to teach and play with people around the world via Facebook Live. Originally called Nine Worlds (until Jamey learned that there’s already a game with that name), Rolling Realms features 9 minigames, each inspired by a different Stonemaier Game. You use 3 of these realms per game, adding up the scores of 3 consecutive games to determine the overall winner.

Rolling Realms is free to download and play, whether it’s with Jamey live, against Jamey in the past (see playthroughs on YouTube), or against your friends (in person or remotely). It’s a living game with Jamey’s rudimentary graphic design in that it will continue to evolve, and it wasn’t created with the intent of mass production.

—description from the publisher

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